4 min read
The Drop culture
I thought I'd write about this new phenomenon coming from streetwear fashion brands, as it is now massively entering the luxury world....
4 min read
Do we ever learn from the past?
I know this post will probably create some reaction but it's been on my mind for a while now - and even though I absolutely understand...
1 min read
Fashion Hack : Genius alert!
For the 100th anniversary of Gucci, the brand and Maison once again surprises and amazes with a unique show brilliantly imagined as a...
2 min read
The new luxury players you could be curious about right now
Luxury is bouncing back. Already. I have never stopped saying that. Actually a year ago when all of "this" happened, I remember thinking...
3 min read
Luxury, a (necessary) cultural anchor
One of the (many) paradoxes of luxury ? To remain timeless while constantly reinventing itself (or even better, being reinvented by...